

In modern society, life has become fast and competitive right from the cradle to the grave, generating a lot of stress, which enhances the risk of cancer by suppressing the immune system of the body.

Stress is a highly individual response to the given situation (emotional, social or physical) rather than the situation itself. Stress can be defined as the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. Anything that is new can evoke a stress response because the body and the mind prepare to meet the unknown challenge. Stress may be acute, intermittent or chronic. The acute or short-term stress is generated by sudden unexpected hour-to-hour events in life. The intermittent type of stress is seen in conflicts. The chronic or long-term stress is generated by major events such as bereavement, financial loss, chronic disease, legal problem and unemployment. A certain amount of stress is in fact desirable, as it provides motivation & stimulation for constructive work and the personal growth of an individual.

It is not the amount but the quality of stress that matters. Some events that lead to enthusiasm, excitement, confidence, happiness, joy and love generate positive emotions. On the other hand, fear, resentment, anxiety, hate, irritation, jealousy, guilt, anger, frustration, boredom and dissatisfaction generate negative emotions. When the brain is under emotional stress, adrenal glands produce corticosteroid hormones, which suppress the activity of immune cells of the body, thus enhancing the risk of cancer.

Certain people and stress are made for each other. According to psychologists, the type A persons are tense, angry, impatient, fist clenching, ambitious, competitive and work oriented. They are always under pressure of time and refuse to acknowledge tiredness. On the other hand, the type B persons are easy going, less anxious, contented and philosophical. Studies have revealed that type A persons have much higher risk to develop cancer as compared to type B persons.

Immune and nervous systems of the body are linked by an extensive network of nerve endings in the spleen, lymph nodes, thymus gland and bone marrow. A psycho-neuro-immunological research has revealed that receptors for Catecholamines, Prostaglandins, Growth hormones, Thyroid hormones, Sex hormones, Serotonin and Endorphins are found on the surface of white blood cells, which indicate that mind and emotions can influence the body’s resistance (to fight cancer) by the interaction of nervous system, hormones and immunity. Under stress, the body reacts by releasing Adrenaline and Cortisol, which causes palpitation, hypertension, hyperglycaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, dryness of mouth, impaired digestion, vascular & muscular spasm and increases respiratory rate. This reaction of the body is a very high output state, known as Flight or Fight Reaction, which cannot be maintained for a long period.

Unrelieved chronic stress leads to hyperactivity of sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which in turn, suppresses the activity of immune cells in the body by inducing secretions of Adrenaline, Cortisol and certain other hormones. Chronic stress is usually unrecognised and the person accepts it as a part of life, totally unaware of its outcome. Stress often misleads a person to the habit of drinking & smoking, further enhancing the risk of cancer.

The longest ever research in the history of medicine, done to study the role of emotions in the genesis of human cancer, was initiated in 1946, in which 972 students of John Hopkins School of Medicine were divided into five groups on the basis of certain psychological measures by Pirkko Graves and her colleagues. This study, which continued for more than three decades, revealed that the loner students who suppressed their emotions were having sixteen times higher risk of developing cancer than those who expressed their feelings openly. A study performed on 1337 students, has revealed that those students, who lack closeness to their parents, have higher risk of cancer.

To avoid stress, one is advised to do regular exercises & Yoga; take adequate sleep; develop a sense of humour; learn to laugh; use anger creatively; and above all, learn the art of forgiving.